Hivane Network - AS34019
Network informations
Transits are either offered to AS34019 for free or subject to specific service exchanges.
Since we do not have any profit coming from our activities, our ressources are quite limited. This bandwidth is used for 100% legal projects.
If you are willing to offer (for free) some bandwidth, or colocation space to Hivane (for example if you have more downstream than upstream traffic, a huge-peered network, busy hours different from ours, or under commit), network services such as MPLS links, or cross-connects at the datacenters we are colocated, do not hesitate to contact us.
You can reach us on IRC, on Geeknode, #hivane, or by e-mail (see footer).
We are present at the following facilities:
Since we do not have any profit coming from our activities, our ressources are quite limited. This bandwidth is used for 100% legal projects.
If you are willing to offer (for free) some bandwidth, or colocation space to Hivane (for example if you have more downstream than upstream traffic, a huge-peered network, busy hours different from ours, or under commit), network services such as MPLS links, or cross-connects at the datacenters we are colocated, do not hesitate to contact us.
You can reach us on IRC, on Geeknode, #hivane, or by e-mail (see footer).
We are present at the following facilities:
- Telehouse 2 (www)
(137 Boulevard Voltaire, PARIS FR-75011) - Equinix PA7 (www)
(130-136 Boulevard de Verdun, COURBEVOIE FR-92400) - Equinix Paris 2 and 3 (www)
(114 Rue Ambroise Croizat, SAINT DENIS FR-93200) - InterXion PAR6 (www)
(15 Rue Galilée, IVRY-SUR-SEINE FR-94200) - Iliad DC3 (www)
(59 Rue Julian Grimau, VITRY-SUR-SEINE FR-94400) - HosTELyon (www)
(81 Boulevard du Parc d'Artillerie, LYON FR-69007) - CIV Sainghin (www)
(1681 Rue des Saules, SAINGHIN-EN-MELANTOIS FR-59262) - DC2Scale Velizy (www)
(16 Rue Grange Dame Rose, VELIZY-VILLACOUBLAY FR-78140)
Our network consists in Juniper MX (MX80/MX240/MX480), Arista 7280SR routers, and Cisco Nexus or Arista swicthes, used as a "10G port multipliers".
We are working in having all our intercos upgraded to 10G links where possible.
Between our various POPs, we are mainly using WDM waves, and a few MPLS links.
We are also using Proxmox VE on Dell R630 servers, with shared storage based on Netapp appliances.
We are working in having all our intercos upgraded to 10G links where possible.
Between our various POPs, we are mainly using WDM waves, and a few MPLS links.
We are also using Proxmox VE on Dell R630 servers, with shared storage based on Netapp appliances.
Featured projects
- Scani, Fournisseur d'accès à Internet coopératif
- OpenStreetMap France (Osmose backend, and connectivity to their servers)
- Xname
-, free domain names since 1996
- AS112(FR DNS ROOT Anycast Node Weathermap)
- Jitsi Videoconferencing server
- Wiki Fibre - Free online telecom database
- Frequence3
- Puls' Radio (Stream server IPv4 & IPv6)
- Comité Spéléologique d'Ile-de-France (COSIF)
- Comité Départemental de Spéléologie de Paris (CDS75)
- Comité Départemental de Spéléologie de l'Essonne de (CDS91)
- Club Spéléologique de Montgeron (CSM)
- Union Spéléologique de l'Agglomération Nancéienne (USAN)
- Association Pour l'Internet Non Commercial (APINC)
- Liege Hackerspace
- Geeknode (IRC Server 1 & 2)
- (IRC Server 1)
- Internet Libre et Ouvert à Tous dans l'Hérault (ILOTH)
- Duckcorp
- Les BOFH
- The Amnesic Incognito Live System (Tails) - Mirror
- RelouMirrors - RPMFusion
- Association Grifon
- Dommage Pour Les Réseaux
Hosting policy
Hivane offers DNS/MX/WWW/VM services to non-for-profit projects.Any content hosted in Hivane Network has to be completely legal, and its purpose has to be agreed by our staff. If you feel you can meet our prerequisites, contact us to present your project and needs.
Special thanks to
- Yoann QUERET
- Raphael BOUAZIZ